
KIIT students adopt an experiential learning approach, delving deep to understand the concepts and phenomena and study how they impact our lives. They collaborate and create to inch a step closer to sustainable living.Our learners gather the knowledge, skills, and courage they need to tackle the biggest questions, embrace emerging challenges, and contribute as a leader for good.

Our Primary, Middle and Secondary wings have Learning Studios and Labs to aid their learning experiences and quench their curiosity. We offer varied choices in streams and subjects at Senior Secondary level as per the interest and aptitude of the child. Our well trained experienced mentors help them train their minds to gain subject insight and ability to correlate it to real world problems and seek solutions.

1000s of Successful Alumni Worldwide


Learn to Listen And Listen to Learn

  • A high standard of behavior, dress and attitude is required from all students at KIIT. All students are expected to wear KIIT Uniform.

  • Any photograph submitted in school for attestation purpose should be in school winter uniform only.

  • You are expected to show courtesy and respect to all staff, visitors to the school and to each other.

  • Older students are encouraged to participate in the care of younger students.

  • Please move around the school buildings in a quiet and orderly way.

  • Keep on the left side of corridors and stairway.

  • The main door at the front of school is for staff and visitors, avoid using the same.

  • Students should enter classrooms, laboratories, office or library only when directed to do so by a member of staff.

  • Always be prepared for each lesson by bringing the correct material.

  • Always pay attention during lessons and give your best.

  • When the bell rings at the end of a period, complete your almanac entry for that period. Do not move out without the permission from teacher coming for next class. The bell is a signal to the teacher, not to the pupils.

  • You are expected to obey all members of staff without argument. If you feel that you are being unfairly treated, you may appeal politely to the teacher or to the HM/VP.

  • All students are expected to obey the Class Prefects and Members of School Parliament who have been elected to help the Principal with duties in the school.

  • You must look after school property — lab equipment, furniture, electricity boards, smart boards and the school building itself. Any loss or damage to the property caused due to carelessness of the student or students will be recovered from the student/students responsible for it.

  • All students must reach Assembly ground/Activity Rooms as per the timetable. It is forbidden to stay in class without Principal’s permission.

  • Use English as your language of communication while you are in school.

  • Read newspaper daily to keep yourself abreast of the latest news and current happenings.

  • School’s learning portal – Entab to be used for any communication, information, messages or assignments.

Achievements & Awards

Join us and discover the wonderful opportunities that await your child.

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